Catalogue des films de « Emmanuel de Boissieu »

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3 films
Son | Belgique | 2011

Miramen – from Provencal, mirage. Camargue is an island which demands man who lives there to become one with her. This world between earth and water is one where the river, the sea and the community of lagoons meet. It is a world of gestures...

Stolen Art
Son | Belgique | 2007

As he investigates a mysterious collection of "Stolen Art" exhibited in 1978 at a New York gallery by Czech artist Pavel Novak, the author invites us to share his questioning about Art viewed as property, both material and intellectual. Can there...

Son | France | 2003

A larger room with decrepit walls. A long close-up of the face of a man in his fifties: “They shoved ma aside. They killed her. Just like that.” He is talking about the murder of his mother when he was nine years old. Since then, when he is...