Rami Nihawi
2011 - 68 min - HD - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - Liban, Émirats arabes unis, France

It’s a film about how we choose to live today. A film about how time flies and is also suspended. It’s not a biography of my mother. Nor does it simply document my memories, my house, or my family.
"Yamo" combines these elements to facilitate a dialogue between generations, one that is currently missing. A conversation about dreams, failures, indeed about the present and its relationship to the future.
I carry the weight of my generation. I carry the weight of my parents’ failures. I’m scared to become them.


Distributor : Umam Productions
Distributor : Zeugma films
Disponible au Club du doc


2012 - Visions du réel, Nyon (Suisse) : Compétition Internationale Longs Métrages
2012 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : Expériences du regard