Wanda Gosciminska. A Weaver
( Wanda Gosciminska. Wlokniarka )
Série-Collection : Polska Szkola Dokumentu

Wojciech Wiszniewski
1975 - 21 min - 35 mm - Couleur - Pologne

This expressionist portrait of the work heroine Wanda Gosciminska exposes the mechanisms by which man loses his subjectivity and becomes a tool of ideological manipulation. A masterpiece against propaganda and its rituals, which opens our consciousness and frees our eyes.
This documentary combines set design by conceptual artist Ewa Partum and cinematography by Zbigniew Rybczynski.

Author-Director : Wojciech Wiszniewski
Photography : Zbigniew Rybczynski
Sound : Jozef Pietrow
Editing : Dorota Wardeszkiewicz
Original Music : Janusz Hajdun
Delegate Producer : WFO (Wytwornia Filmow Oswiatowych)