Lives in Transit
( Tskhovreba Transiti )

Valérie Léon, Tamuna Jalaghania
2011 - 33 min - HD - Couleur - Géorgie, France

Since 1993 and their expulsion from Abkhazia, one hundred and fifty families of refugees invested a disused building, alike a shipwreck in the surroundings of a lake.
What is this weird abandon? Which horizons are they heading to?
In the periphery of the capital city (Tbilisi), these men and women live there, forgotten and as strangers in this isolated land. They form a community of uprooted, who practice solidarity as their sole mean of survival.
When one follows them in their daily lives, they reveal and tell the meaning of their existences as exiles. They make us rub shoulders with their ghosts, memories, hopes and their new becoming.


Distributor : Okup'Art
Disponible au Club du doc


2011 - Short Film Corner, Cannes (France) : Sélection
2011 - LIDF (London International Documentary Festival), Londres (Grande-Bretagne) :
2010 - Scam, Paris (France) : Brouillon d'un rêve