Si loin des bêtes
Manuela Frésil
2003 - 57 min - Beta numérique - Couleur - France

Today in Europe, we produce 203 million pigs a year. In less then 30 years, this quantity has doubled. What has happened? What have we done to the animals and to people that product them?
Two breeders, one in France the other in Spain, agreed to show what they are doing. By the shocking images that are unveiled we are forced to accept that the pigs (and to an extend the breeders) have been reduced to raw material, industrial products, mere clogs in the industry that rears them.

Author-Director : Manuela Frésil
Sound : Yves Laisné
Editing : Françoise Bernard
Delegate Producer : Arturo Mio
Co-producer : Les Films du village
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France
Contribution : CNC, Procirep, Région Bretagne


Distributor : Andana films
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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