Sevrapek City
Emmanuel Broto, Fabienne Tzerikiantz
2009 - 55 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

In november 2006, the members of the "Santo 2006" expedition came to make an inventory of the biodiversity on the island of Santo in Vanuatu. To greet the scientists, the local built a base camp at the heart of the forest a few miles away from the small village called Penaoru.
A few months later, the villagers recount their involvement in the mission, and express mixed feelings about this unprecedented event.


Distributor : Emmanuel Broto
Distributor : Fabienne Tzerikiantz
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
Disponible au Club du doc


2010 - Scam, Paris (France) : Étoile de la Scam
2009 - Festival de cinéma des pays du Pacifique Sud, Rochefort (France) : Sélection
2009 - Festival international du film documentaire océanien, Papeete, Tahiti : Prix Spécial du Jury