Laurence Favre
2012 - 27 min - Super 8 mm - Couleur - Suisse

In 1947, Marie Tinguely leaves her homeland to go work in a hospital for the Swiss mission in the South African bush.
After her death, the films shot over 25 years as a missionary, as well as some of the letters she wrote are found in a family apartment.
I decide to explore them.

Author-Director : Laurence Favre
Photography : Marie Tinguely
Sound : Philippe Ciompi
Editing : Laurence Favre
Original Music : Gabriel Tejedor
Delegate Producer : ECAL (École cantonale d'art de Lausanne)


Distributor : ECAL (École cantonale d'art de Lausanne)
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2013 - Visions du réel, Nyon (Suisse) : Prix spécial La Mobilière pour le court métrage le plus innovant de la Compétiti