Dark Blood
Safia Benhaim
2018 - 38 min - Video Full HD - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

A hunter, a deer's call, a thick fog swallowing a forest... The vision of an haunted memory: a friend, obsessed by the hunting of a stag, penetrating the heart of the forest and disappearing without a trace.
Shot as a documentary, in the Cévennes Hills in southern France, "Dark Blood" morphs into a fantasy tale that tries to figure out a hunter's dizzying obsession for an invisible beast who's never caught.


Distributor : Batysphère Productions


2019 - Côté Court - Festival du film court de Pantin, Pantin (France) : Sélection
2018 - EntreVues - Festival du film de Belfort, Belfort (France) : Prix One + one