Instructions pour une prise d'armes
Laurent Krief
2013 - 60 min - Digital vidéo & HDV & téléphone portable - Couleur - France

"In this 'How to take up arms' class, the teacher has been for a whole academic year the ignorant director of a debut film . The spectator shall be warned in these lines: this film (a course) or this course (a film) will be lead by the very idea of communism. First lesson before we begin: we will not teach you how, when, or even why one should take up arms — to extract ourselves from helplessness facing the tragedy we are attending or to escape our part of victim in this tragedy — merely this commandment: let's take up arms in the tragedy where Globalization now stands for Reality in our lives." (Laurent Krief)

Author-Director : Laurent Krief
Photography : Laurent Krief
Sound : Laurent Krief
Editing : Laurent Krief
Delegate Producer : Laurent Krief


Distributor : Laurent Krief
Disponible au Club du doc


2013 - FIDMarseille (Festival International de Cinéma), Marseille (France) : Prix des Rencontres cinématographiques Cerbère-Portbou
2013 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : Expériences du regard