Des vacances à l'île Maurice
Pierre Primetens
2005 - 42 min - Couleur - France

My mother died when I was 5 years old. My father never has spoken to me about her. He got married to a Mauritian. I had to call his new wife: "mom". We spent all our holidays' summer in her country. Then my father was converted to the Islam. He renamed me Bilal, he made me circumcise.
Three years ago, for the first time, I wished that we speak about my mother. He wanted nothing to say to me. Since, he does not want to see me any more.
This summer, I leave to find him in Mauritius...
I would like that we become reconciled.

Author-Director : Pierre Primetens
Delegate Producer : Les Films sauvages
Co-producer : Ina (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel)
Contribution : Scam - Brouillon d'un rêve


Distributor : Les Films sauvages
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