Since I Was Born
Laura Delle Piane
2014 - 54 min - HD - Couleur - France

Deheisheh refugee camp, West Bank.
Between Settlements and the separation wall, men lack air and space.
As all children of the camp, Tamer dreams to free his country and takes example on the Intifada generation. Former resistant, Nader tries to protect his son of the dangers bound to the Israeli occupation but also tries to fulfil his dream: to see the big sea.
Situated on the other side of the wall, the Mediterranean Sea is almost inaccessible to Palestinians and although at only 40 kilometers of the camp a special permission is necessary to reach it. Nader tries however to make everything to achieve this breakaway beyond the wall. Where sea flows peacefully and occupation becomes only a memory.


Distributor : Backpack productions
Distributor : Java Films
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