Ce cher mois d’août
( Aquele querido mês de agosto )

Miguel Gomes
2008 - 147 min - 35 mm - Couleur - Portugal, France

Deep in the Portuguese mountains, the population and its activities swell during the month of August. The people come home, set off fireworks, fight fires, perform karaoke, jump off the bridge, hunt wild boar, drink beer, make children. If the director and his team had gone straight to the essential, resisting the festivities, the synopsis would be reduced to.
"This Dear Month of August" follows the romantic relations of the father, the daughter and her cousin, musicians in a dance hall music group. Love and music, then.

Author-Director : Miguel Gomes
Author : Mariana Ricardo
Author : Telmo Churro
Photography : Ruis Poças
Sound : Vasco Pimentel
Editing : Telmo Churro, Miguel Gomes
Delegate Producer : O Som e a Furia
Co-producer : Shellac sud
Co-producer : ICA (Institut de la Communication Audiovisuelle)
Broadcasting Sale : RTP (Radiotelevisao portuguesa)


Distributor : Shellac
DVD Editing : Shellac sud
VOD : Universciné


2008 - Festival de Cannes, Cannes (France) : Sélection Quinzaine des réalisateurs