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Carbone & Spirito Série-Collection : Les Parrains de la Côte

Thierry Aguila
2007 - 26 min - HDV - Couleur - France

This series intends to work out some figureheads of organized crime in the South of France. "Carbone & Spirito", "les frères Guérini" (the Guérini brothers), "Francis le Belge" (Francis the Belgian), "Gaetan Zampa" or "Fargette le Varois": they were all in the news, they intrigued, they fascinated or they disgusted people. How can a dark and cruel reality give birth to such myths? How can a simple lout, hardly more charismatic than another one, become a legend?

Author-Director : Thierry Aguila
Author : François Thomazeau
Original Music : Renaud Barbier
Delegate Producer : Comic Strip production
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3


Distributor : Insomnia World Sales