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Bienvenue en globésité
Laurence Serfaty
2004 - 56 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

At a time when 800 million people around the globe are suffering from hunger, over one and a half billion adults are overweight. A full 300 million people are considered obese, including 115 million living in developing countries.
Urbanization and the globalization of the food market are at the root of the epidemic. The film explores our Fat, Fat World, from China to Egypt and Mexico. It shows how this paradoxical situation has spread across the planet, as economic growth puts the public?s health in danger.
It also identifies initiatives being taken around the world in an attempt to curb this fast-growing global epidemic.

Author-Director : Laurence Serfaty
Photography : Antoine Filipe, Roland Théron
Sound : Franck Dubosc
Editing : Anne-Marie Sangla
Delegate Producer : CAPA Presse TV
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : CAPA Presse TV