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( Apoteose )

Antonio Borges Correia
2009 - 66 min - Beta digital - Couleur - Portugal

Forty years later six ex-fighters who had been together in the War in Africa keep meeting. They know that, during those meetings, talking about the War is therapy to exorcize nightmares and ghosts.
What keeps them alive is what destroyed them: Memories. Life has never been the same. They were twenty-two years old when they met at the War. Time has stopped there. Today, they only exist when they are together.

Author-Director : Antonio Borges Correia
Photography : Antonio Borges Correia
Sound : Pedro Moreira
Editing : Anabela Brigida
Delegate Producer : Antonio Borges Correia
Co-producer : Bruno Bravo


Distributor : Antonio Borges Correia