André Le Nôtre en ses jardins
Martin Fraudreau
2013 - 52 min - Couleur - France

How André Le Nôtre (1613-1700), the mastermind behind the remarkable park at Versailles, invented landscape art in the seventeenth century. Le Nôtre transformed landscape into a balanced, controlled work of art, forever revolutionizing the way nature is arranged.
Using plans, animation and conversations with experts, the film immerses viewers in the master gardener’s creative process and provides a better understanding of his inspirations and the novel technical solutions he employed in the gardens at Versailles, which were every bit as lavish as the dreams of King Louis XIV, who commissioned the project.

Author-Director : Martin Fraudreau
Photography : Martin Fraudreau, Eric Genillier, Sylvain Viricel
Sound : Laurent Gabiot, Olivier Le Vacon, Yves-Marie Omnes
Editing : Fabien Leroy
Original Music : Laurent Lesourd
Delegate Producer : Camera Lucida productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France


Distributor : ARTE France


2014 - FIFA (Festival international du film sur l'art), Montréal (Canada) : Sélection Horizons