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À la redécouverte du monde 1
Jacques-Yves Cousteau
1985 - 48 min - Couleur - France

Since 1985, the revolutionary turbosail windship "Alcyone" has joined the Calypso on a series of expeditions lasting until 1992. 7 years to look anew at the planet, to seek to understand relationship between human populations and the aquatic world.Giant glaciers, crabes and albatrosses, tiny pinguins,etc. These are only some of the wonders rediscovered amongst the Marquesas Islands, the Sea of Cortez, Cuba, Haiti, Tahiti, New Zealandis. While in Austalia, Borneo, Thailand and Papua New Guinea, the Cousteau team questions the impact of civilisation and technology on these natural paradises.

Author-Director : Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Delegate Producer : Cousteau Society


Distributor : Cousteau Society
Distributor : Europe images international