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À fleur d'eau
Restauration de la végétation aquatique du lac du Bourget
Anne Lapied, Érik Lapied
2001 - 30 min - DV Cam - France

The areas where water grasses and reeds grow are the lake’s lungs and a nursery for many species : insects, fish, birds. After several decades of damage to the aquatic vegetation, man is concerned about this exceptionally rich natural heritage, the health of which today has been greatly deteriorated.
Although the causes of this damage are many, today is it the consequences of the regulation of the lake since 1982 that prevent the return of the reed beds and all the vegetation that they preserved.
A vast experimental site has been set up to allow this vegetation to settle again ; it is a mechanical ballet which will give Nature every chance to take her place again, provided that the lake is given back a little of the breath that it has lost.

Author-Director : Anne Lapied, Érik Lapied
Delegate Producer : Ibex productions
Co-producer : Conservatoire du patrimoine naturel de la Savoie
Broadcasting Sale : Rai (Val d'Aoste)


Distributor : Ibex productions
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