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3994 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À Abidjan, on dit quoi même ?
Pascal Rémy, Joseph Andjou | France | 1998 | 23 mn

Three times a year, the African communities in Paris and elsewhere impatiently await the arrival of the latest cassette of the Abidjan puppet shows. These cassettes which are exclusively distributed through African videoclubs, are for many people...

À Bamako, les femmes sont belles...
Christiane Succab-Goldman | France | 1995 | 65 mn

They are graceful indeed. A strength emanates from them wherever they come from and whatever background. They look languid but is their way to hide their dynamism. They are a mixture of modernity, tradition and humour. Seydou Keita, the...

À bas !
Jeanne Delafosse, Camille Plagnet | France | 2021 | 81 mn

Le 31 octobre 2014, au Burkina Faso, le peuple a chassé le président Blaise Compaoré du pouvoir après 27 ans de règne. Deux ans après les évènements, nous partons enquêter à Ouagadougou à la recherche des personnages d'une photographie...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À bout de course
Arnaud Le Goff | France | 1998 | 26 mn

A group of French tourists go climbing in the Moroccan Atlas. How will they live together ? The last days of the walk. The last kilometers in the Atlas desert. The last stages are set to be the hardest, with a mountain pass at an altitude of...

À chacun sa façon de danser
Yvan Couvidat, Charlie Luccinni | France | 2011 | 52 mn

La plus connue des troupes de danse hip-hop française, les "Wanted Posse", qui part en Afrique du Sud pour puiser une nouvelle inspiration. De jeunes danseurs amateurs des rues de Soweto qui se libèrent de leur condition par la force vitale que...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À contre-courant
Vassili Silovic | France, Canada | 2009 | 76 mn

We approach the question "Against the flow" of current trends, by looking at a number of recurrent water crisis situations around the globe – particular examples that are representative of the “water problem” at large. Let’s look at the...

A Cow in Heaven
Daniel Garcia | Espagne | 2010 | 28 mn

Most of the African children who are given in adoption come from Ethiopia. Zacarías was on the verge of being an adopted child in Europe, but he was not. However, as many others, he knows what growing in a distant place means. In 1983, he was...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment À des tas de choses anciennes
Ulrich Téchené | France | 1997 | 44 mn

Menon was born en 1909 in the center of France. Married to a man in the French colonial army, she accompanied him to French Occidental Africa (Senegal and Mali) from 1935 to 1945. As a child, I was rocked to sleep listening to the African...

A Family Affair
Tom Fassaert | Pays-Bas, Belgique | 2015 | 116 mn

On his 30th birthday, Tom Fassaert receives a mysterious invitation from his 95-year-old grandmother Marianne to come visit her in South Africa. At that time, the only thing he knows about her are the myths and predominantly negative stories his...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment A Griot's Story
Adam Rozanski | Pologne | 2007 | 52 mn

Le film présente l’histoire personnelle d’Adama Dramé, joueur de djembé africain, descendant d’une famille de griots, caste qui descend des traditions africaines. Il raconte en dioula, la langue maternelle d’Adama, ce que c’est...

3994 films