Yasmina Khadra
( Mohammed & Yasmina )

Régine Abadia
2012 - 63 min - HDCam - Couleur - France

Yasmina Khadra's story is hardly ordinary. His life is an epic tale. This author of numerous books, most of which are violent stories set during the Algerian civil war, revealed his true identity back in 2000. Yasmina is not a woman. Khadra is a pen name. His real name is Mohammed Moulessehoul and he's a commanding officer in the Algerian army. Through the life, poetry and work of one of its greatest writers, this film is also a film about Algeria, a country dragged into the world with forceps and which cannot find peace.


Distributor : La Huit Production
DVD Editing : La Huit Production
VOD : Arte VOD