welcomesangatte01 welcomesangatte02
Welcome out - In Sangatte
Florence Pezon
2002 - 90 min - Beta numérique - Couleur - France

Welcome out/in Sangatte is a trip to the heart of Sangatte's "emergency shelter humanitarian center".
I entered the center for the first time in October 2001 with special permission from the Red Cross, manager of the camp sheltering refugees mostly from Kurdistan, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Sangatte is the last stopping-off point between continental Europe and England where every night, refugees risk their lives trying to cross the border to British island where they hope to seek protection and asylum.
We were able to return there in 2002,we, meaning the film crew and Shorheh, a young woman who simultaneously interprets Kurdish and Persian. We spend time with them, both at the center and outside, waiting and sharing their hope and despair to make it "to the other side".

Author-Director : Florence Pezon
Delegate Producer : La Huit Production
Broadcasting Co-producer : Planète
Contribution : CRRAV, CCFD (Comité Catholique contre la Faim & pour le Développement), CNC


Distributor : La Huit Distribution
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
Circulation-Consultation : Musée national de l'Histoire de l'immigration
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