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Thomas Bernardet, Florent Mulot
2004 - 30 min - Mini DV - Couleur - France

"Walker" is a work in progress, a series of video, in 4 parts, tries which aim is to document some particular places on the visit mode. For architectures or areas socially architectured, there is one principle: the construction of the story passes through the eye of the two cameramen-directors who become the characters of the movie.
Only one camera is used, passing from hands to hands according to the shot desires of everyone.
By refusing to erase completely the shooting conditions, what give them a filmed performance side, the different episodes of "Walker" project permit the spectator to think the filter of the documentary creation and by the way his role.
"Walker3" takes place in the "Domaine de la Valsière", (France), in the suburbs of the city Montpellier. This "natural" space, surrounded by a residential area, burnt during the heat wave 2003. A plastic similarity with contemporary history would only be fortuitous.

Author-Director : Thomas Bernardet, Florent Mulot
Delegate Producer : Thomas Bernardet
Co-producer : Florent Mulot


Distributor : EDV
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