Vivre avec Camus
Joël Calmettes
2013 - 54 min - HDCam - Couleur - France

Albert Camus is 20th century France’s most translated author, and the most widely read French author worldwide. 2013 will see the 100-year celebration of his birth and Joël Calmettes will travel the planet to encounter readers whose lives were changed by his work. A literary adventure constructed from archival material and powerful testimonies.

Author-Director : Joël Calmettes
Photography : Olivier Raffet, Éric Turpin
Sound : Éric Thébault
Editing : François Gedigier
Delegate Producer : Chiloé Productions


Distributor : Chiloé Productions
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
DVD Editing : Chiloé Productions
VOD : Arte VOD


2014 - Les Escales documentaires de Libreville , Libreville (Gabon) : Sélection