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Marco Barbon
2002 - 21 min - Mini DV - Couleur - France

The village of Gmostra, located at the foot of the volcano Stromboli in the Eolian Islands (Sicily), now has only 26 inhabitants living mostly without running water or electricity.
Vincenzina, 74, has lived alone in her house since she lost her husband and her children all went off to try their luck elsewhere. She has never left the island and her cats are her only companions today.
As she has always done since her childhood, when the caper season comes in June, Vincenzina gets up at daybreak to join the "caperers" spread out along the paths that go up to the volcano : hard, unpleasant work, but it remains for her the only activity that still links her to life and her past...

Author-Director : Marco Barbon
Delegate Producer : Marco Barbon


Distributor : Marco Barbon
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