Vacances au pays
Jean-Marie Teno
2000 - 75 min - 35 mm - Couleur - France, Allemagne, Cameroun

"A journey that tracks down the fantasy of modernity which haunts the Cameroon society.
During the summer holidays, I made and another trip from the big city Yaoundé to Bandjoun my home village. The last time had been thirty years ago. My aim was to frustrations of ordinary people facing the changes forced upon them.
The film ironically questions the notion of development, which in Africa is associated to a "tropical" modernity that can be summed up as follows : everything that comes from Europe is modern, everything local is archaic and must disappear.
The film sets out on a search for the human dimension that is gradually disappearing, as the monolithic, global model is imposing itself." (Jean-Marie Teno)


Distributor : Les Films du Raphia
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
DVD Editing : Les Films du Raphia
Circulation-Consultation : Institut français. Département Cinéma (Cinémathèque Afrique), Musée national de l'Histoire de l'immigration
Disponible au Club du doc


2000 - Cinéma du réel, Paris (France) : Compétition française