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Tu crois qu'on peut parler d'autre chose que d'amour ?
Sylvie Ballyot, Béatrice Kordon
1999 - 40 min - Betacam SP - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

"Both help each other advance. Both are unable to advance without the other. And love is incessantly pushing back the limits. We said to ourselves : talking about an intimate universe means trying to go even deeper into oneself. It means reacting to the desire for something absolute.
Trying to say everything, as truthfully as possible. Using the camera, our camera. The camera as a tool, a witness, an observer, something that gets you to the other side. We have been filming ourselves in everyday life for over four years."
(Béatrice Kordon et Sylvie Ballyot)


Distributor : Doc & Film International
Distributor : Sylvie Ballyot, L' Atelier 46
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