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Tricky - Naked and Famous
Mark Kidel
1997 - 52 min - Vidéo - Couleur - Royaume-Uni, France

Adrian Thaws, known by the public as "Tricky", is one of Britain's most original contemporary Black musicians. His powerful autobiographical work draws on wide influences : blues, punk, hip-hop, jazz and rock.
"Naked and Famous", follows Tricky back to his home town of Bristol, a city known for its racism, violence and musical creativity. The barely contained violence and emotional power of Tricky's music draws its root in Tricky's difficult childhood : a talented but reply frustrated mother who committed suicide when Tricky was four, and extended family of small-time gangsters, and a racial heritage of baffing complexity, and a schooling designed to produce social misfits.

Author-Director : Mark Kidel
Delegate Producer : Rosetta Pictures
Co-producer : Morgane production


Distributor : NBD Television limited
Distributor : Morgane production