Anna Sabine Steinbach
2007 - 53 min - Vidéo - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

During an endless journey "Travelling" is talking about exile. Three persons, three generations, three different historical circumstances and three different reasons of exile are given in a mix of French, German and Russian language.
Helene Balabina, an old woman of 82 years, is talking about her deportation in 1941 ordered by Stalin. She must leave her natal village in Ukraine and is displaced in the north of Kazakhstan.
Richard Steinbach, my father, 65 years old, is relating his arrival in East Germany from Ukraine in 1959. The reason of leaving was to join family members lost during the world war two in Germany.
I, the scriptwriter, 36 years old, left Germany in 1994 for living in France. Even the reason for my departure has nothing to do with them I like to take part in their conversation. Her deportation in 1941, his exile in 1959 and my free chosen departure for France in 1989, I connect these similar events as a way of creating links between us.

Author-Director : Anna Sabine Steinbach
Photography : Anna Sabine Steinbach
Sound : Anna Sabine Steinbach
Editing : Marie Tavernier
Delegate Producer : Les Productions de la Lanterne
Broadcasting Co-producer : TV câble Rosny-sous-Bois
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Les Productions de la Lanterne
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