Tomorrow, April 31 - May 1
( Jutro. 31 kwietnia – 1 maja )
Série-Collection : Polska Szkola Dokumentu

Wojciech Wiszniewski
1970 - 9 min - 35 mm - Noir & Blanc - Pologne

The story of the next generation of workers - the so-called the unmoving youth who no longer shares their parents' ideals. There is no ethos of work in them - they only want a comfortable, easy life. Laziness, drunkenness, minor crimes - this is the content of their everyday existence.
The characteristic of the director is the use of the contrast of image and sound. The same footage is shown twice, but with two different soundtracks. It begins and ends with two Lodz houses: the first one is grey, dirty and rundown, while the second is elegant and adorned with flags. The picture is intercepted with scenes from an ordinary day of a common man from Lodz, who gets up in the morning, meets up with his colleagues and goes for a beer with them.
Grey everymen by a beer stall, a May 1st banner stretched over a street, a fight…


Distributor : Polskie Wydawnictwo Audiowizualne
DVD Editing : Polska Szkola Documentu