Tête brûlée
Valentine Carette
2014 - 38 min - HD - Couleur - France

When I was warned of his state of health, I decided to film my father Francis, touched by a brain tumor. The movie takes place at Montpellier, in the flat where Francis lives, surrounded by a medical staff. After years of silence between us, my arrival disrupts the everyday life of this alone and seek man. Gradually, the film draws the delicate outlines of a complex relationship.

Author-Director : Valentine Carette
Photography : Michaël Capron
Sound : Julien Fezans
Editing : Charlotte Renaut, Marcelo Novais Teles, Ael Dallier Vega
Delegate Producer : Kidam
Contribution : Région Languedoc-Roussillon


Distributor : Kidam
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