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Sweet Viking
Salma Cheddadi
2012 - 30 min - 16 mm - Couleur - France

Jara, a young 30 years old singer, has to travel to attend an isolated region of her country, to see her father very sick. She leaves her Reykjavik flat to join the east of the island, at the south of Vatnajökul.
Through this journey, we guess some of her relationship with her father, two children and their respective fathers. She tells about these mysterious elfs and trolls stories that take on the island's landscapes and this people's imagination, still pagan, still Viking.
Till her arrival at her father’s doorstep…
To believe in these hidden beings and in their powers, it is what still links Icelandics to their ancestors.
Vikings who came to Iceland one thousand years ago were not great warriors, neither pirates, neither conquerors, but poor farmers who tried to build a new life, better, on a majestic and threatening island.

Author-Director : Salma Cheddadi
Photography : Victor Zébo
Sound : Arno Ledoux
Delegate Producer : Red Shoes
Contribution : Ville de Paris


Distributor : Red Shoes
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2012 - Côté Court - Festival du film court de Pantin, Pantin (France) : Prix de la meilleure création musicale originale