Snack-bar Aquário
Sergio Da Costa
2010 - 37 min - HDV - Couleur - Suisse

The filmmaker follows the ordinary daily activities in a Portuguese café. We are slowly immersed into the atmosphere of the place, full of boredom and loneliness, without ever leaving. The café itself, the human characters, and two télévision sets that are switched on permanently... In that place, time seems not to pass by at all; it is however sometimes marked by the presence of death.


Distributor : Sergio Da Costa
Disponible au Club du doc


2011 - Les Écrans Documentaires, Arcueil (France) : Sélection Films École et Formation
2010 - Doclisboa - Festival Internacional de Cinema Documental, Lisbonne (Portugal) : Meilleur premier documentaire
2010 - EntreVues - Festival du film de Belfort, Belfort (France) : Grand Prix du court métrage documentaire