Sec rouge
Tom Schön, Kate Tessa Lee Kam Chung
2018 - 26 min - Video Full HD - Couleur - Allemagne

Throughout centuries, generations of fisherwomen from Rodrigues Island have practiced the traditional metier of piqueuse ourite, octopus spearing, which was then a warrant of self-sufficiency, emancipation and social prestige.
With the avenue of major economic and climatic changes in the past years, the metier alongside its stoical self-reliant way of life, is at stake. "Sec rouge”, a Creole term for an optimal dry tide to fish octopus, was an omen of prosperous catch for the elders.
Today a "dry-red" tide is a rarity; a mirage-image of precarious times for the few remaining fisherwomen who are still struggling to practice their metier. "Sec rouge”, an evocative filmic immersion into the fragile reality of a dying metier.

Author-Director : Tom Schön, Kate Tessa Lee Kam Chung
Photography : Kate Tessa Lee Kam Chung
Sound : Tom Schön
Editing : Tom Schön, Kate Tessa Lee Kam Chung
Delegate Producer : Fünferfilm


Distributor : Fünferfilm


2018 - Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Hamburg, Hambourg (Allemagne) : Sélection