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Samir in the Dust
Mohamed Ouzine
2015 - 60 min - HD - Couleur - France, Algérie

"Samir in the Dust" is the story of the aspirations and fears of a young Algerian smuggler who transports petrol by mule from his village to the Moroccan border. Through his portrait, emerges the filmmaker's ambiguous relation with this part of territory.

Author-Director : Mohamed Ouzine
Photography : Mohamed Ouzine
Sound : Pierre-Emmanuel Mériaud
Editing : Simon Leclère
Original Music : Tatiana Paris
Delegate Producer : L' Image d'après
Co-producer : Une Chambre à soi
Contribution : CICLIC (Centre-Val de Loire), Sacem, CNC. COSIP, Doha Film Institute


Distributor : L' Image d'après
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2017 - Scam, Paris (France) : Étoile du documentaire