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Rêves et Cauchemars
En Algérie
Sylvie Texier, Suzanne Chupin
2007 - 26 min - Digital vidéo - Couleur - France

This workshop documentary film is a series of unplanned moments in our creative and showing actions, related to the work we have done on the History of Algeria, and of immigration... This is the starting point for a great undertaking connecting children, young people, men and women from here and elsewhere, against the backdrop of Antoine de St Exupéry’s statement: "Let a dream devour your life, so that life does not devour your dream”.
This film is a first episode shot in Algeria during a festival and deals with children workshops. The second is being shot in Limoges with children who live in the Sablard social housing neighborhood. We hope we will be able to go on filming, thus improving our way of doing it, so that we can meet with still other people in other places, keeping as a main thread everyone’s dreams and nightmares...


Distributor : FJT Varlin Pont Neuf Studio image - Café Vision
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