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Qui ça, personne ?
Les Unions, c'est par la guerre que ça se fait
Chloé Scialom, Nicolas Le Bras
2001 - 84 min - Hi 8 - Couleur - France

Aidimos, an orchestra composed of many european nationalities, from East to West, comes to Sarajevo : 4 years have passed since the war in Bosnia, one year since albanian civil war ; during the bombings of NATO upon Serbia to defend the Kosovo ; ten years after the fall of Berlin's wall.
Words from Albanians, Bosnians and french speaking groups, intersect and secrete forgotten links : politics gets reflected in sphere of everyday while this one forms the basic matter of great movements of the world. To what externs the need of a strong identity can alter the connection to other people ? What happens when different visions of the world meet ?
How to meet the Other ?


Distributor : Nicolas Le Bras
Distributor : Chloé Scialom
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