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Que tout disparaisse !
Manuel Poutte
1995 - 90 min - Vidéo - Couleur - Belgique

Turkmenistan, at the intersection of the former communist empire, the Islamic world and capitalism. All peoples are depositories of stories, collected tales, legends and imaginary histories.
Through the epic voyage of the bakshi and the shepherd, this film gives us the portrait of a society caught between tradition and a modern world, between East and West, between stories of the past and the present.
This documentary unfolds as a philosophical tale, following the tragic itinerary of a man who has created his own destiny and invented his own legend, and the situation of an entire people in danger of losing its memory in the march of progress.
Available in 55 min.

Author-Director : Manuel Poutte
Delegate Producer : Lux fugit film
Co-producer : CBA (Centre Bruxellois de l'Audiovisuel)
Broadcasting Co-producer : RTBF Bruxelles