Lost Steps Talking Série-Collection : Primavera

Coralie Martin
2015 - 40 min - HD - Couleur - France

What can we do with time passing when we are locked out? Thérèse, Bakhta and Sayda are forced to reinvent every day a way to fill those hours, pending 19h opening of the doors of the foster home for the night.

Author-Director : Coralie Martin
Photography : Ludivine Large-Bessette, Romain Carcanade
Editing : Saskia Berthod
Delegate Producer : L' Image d'après
Broadcasting Co-producer : Lyon Capitale TV
Broadcasting Co-producer : TV Tours Val de Loire
Contribution : Région Centre, Région Rhône-Alpes, CNC. COSIP, Images de la diversité


Distributor : L' Image d'après
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