Oceans, the Voice of the Invisibles
Should Fish Feed People or Financial Markets?
Mathilde Jounot
2016 - 56 min - Vidéo Full HD - Couleur - France

This documentary follows the journey of a filmmaker who is preparing a report on the disappearance of marine species, the dramatic situation of the seas. But through her research, she discovered that behind these alarmist messages are hiding large financial stakes. Is the protection of the environment the only objective of certain environmental NGOs? Do they have other ambitions on the oceans?

Author-Director : Mathilde Jounot
Photography : Mathilde Jounot, Franck Ollivry
Sound : Franck Ollivry, Henry Puizillout
Editing : Franck Ollivry, Mathilde Jounot
Original Music : Franck Ollivry, David Euverte
Delegate Producer : Portfolio Production
Broadcasting Co-producer : Tébéo - Télévision Bretagne Ouest
Broadcasting Co-producer : TVR Rennes 35 Bretagne
Broadcasting Co-producer : TébéSud
Contribution : Espace des Sciences de Lorient, Mission de la mer
Crowdfunding : Touscoprod


Distributor : Portfolio Production
Disponible au Club du doc


2017 - Regards sur le Cinéma du Monde, Paris (France) : Prix du documentaire
2017 - Académie de Marine, Paris (France) : Médaille
2016 - Pêcheurs du Monde, Lorient (France) : Sélection