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Mau par Mo
Adam Pianko
2004 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

M(o)hamed Fellag, M(au)rice El Medioni... One is a great musician, the other a famous comedian and actor.
Both are from Algeria where their families are part of opposing, even rival communities. Before meeting, they both appreciated the other's work and cultivated a burning nostalgia for the motherland they left and specially for the time (30-50’s), when in Algiers, Jewish, Christian and Muslim artists lived together in the same quarters, communicating through their love for music, song and the operetta.
This film is a discovery into the life and times of Maurice El Medioni and his amazing destiny through the eyes of Fellag and through him, the whole of today's unique musical trend.

Author-Director : Adam Pianko
Delegate Producer : Mat films
Co-producer : Prodom
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3 Méditerranée
Contribution : FCM (Fonds pour la Création Musicale)


Distributor : 10 Francs
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