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Mars Society
Giulia Grossmann
2016 - 17 min - HD - Couleur - France

This movie is an offer to open up to our future, to our ability to assure: "We are here. This is 2030!". Mars Society is a display of this future, which is so far only fiction.
Conversation between today’s fiction and scientific’s simulation, this movie is as much an archive document on contemporary research (The conquest of space), as an experimentation flirting with two genres: the scientific documentary and the fictional contemplative work.

Author-Director : Giulia Grossmann
Photography : Victor Zébo
Sound : Giulia Grossmann
Editing : Giulia Grossmann
Original Music : Cosmic Neman
Delegate Producer : Giulia Grossmann
Contribution : Les InRocKs lab


Distributor : Giulia Grossmann
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