Ma cité au féminin
Johanna Bedeau
2014 - 68 min - HD - Couleur - France

In this suburb of Paris, three young women Emma, (12), Aicha, (17), and Fatou, (32). Who are these girls? Through the path of woman from 12 to 60 years old, "Ma cité au feminine" ("Woman's estate") tells the contradictions in which they're confined, between the feminine model established by the district and their actions, head-on or covered, for more emancipation. This film intends to put in perspective the status of women in suburban estates.

Author-Director : Johanna Bedeau
Author : Mariannick Bellot
Photography : Denis Gaubert
Sound : Laurent Benaïm
Editing : Mélanie Braux
Delegate Producer : Gloria Films Production
Co-producer : DICOM (Délégation à l'Information et à la Communication)
Broadcasting Co-producer : LCP - La Chaîne parlementaire Assemblée nationale
Broadcasting Co-producer : TV Tours Val de Loire
Contribution : CNC, Procirep


Distributor : Gloria Films Production