Roses noires
Hélène Milano
2012 - 74 min - HDV - Couleur - France

Farida, Claudie, Coralie, Kahina, Moufida are teenagers from 13 to 18 years old. They live in Parisian suburb, at Blanc Mesnil, Stains, Clichy-sous-Bois, or in the North district of Marseille. Everyone uses words of boys.
They have the word and they are wondering about their relationship to the language. They are speaking about their native tongue, the city language, the school, and their difficulties with the normalized language. They are expressing their contradictions; they are asserting their characteristics and their attachment with a group identity which affirms through the language. They are also telling the hurt related to the feeling of exclusion and the lack.
Finally, within their district, beyond words of boys that they say as a mask which protects them, they are revealing the intimate goals of this linguistic strategy.
Crossing the teenager mutation, it is actually the fragile building of their future life of woman that they are creating and protecting.

Available in 53 min.


Distributor : Art Cinefeel
Circulation-Consultation : Musée national de l'Histoire de l'immigration