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Emmanuel Hamon
2014 - 62 min - HD - Couleur et Noir & blanc - France

For generations the Debré family has been in service of the French nation – members of this family have grown to be politicians, physicians, and sometimes both.
Robert and Michel Debré, father and son, shared the same line of thought. Their influence was remarkable throughout the 20th century. They stood by and advocated for an eternal and powerful France. Michel’s engagement in the service of the nation was absolute – it is he who wrote the constitution of the Nation’s 5th republic, and was later nominated a Prime minister.
Through intimate interviews with members of the Debré family, the film questions the values of such heritage, in a world that has significantly changed since.

Author-Director : Emmanuel Hamon
Author : Thomas Cheysson
Photography : Nathalie Durand
Sound : Olivier Péria
Editing : Anne Renardet
Delegate Producer : Les Poissons volants
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3
Contribution : CNC. Aide à l'écriture, CNC. COSIP


Distributor : Les Poissons volants
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