Bimbos d'Egypte : enquête sur un paradoxe
Amine Bouziane
2012 - 49 min - Vidéo HD - Couleur - France

Cairo, with its 20 million inhabitants, is witnessing an unprecedented phenomenon. Within a few years, a new generation of sexy buxom stars emerged, embodying mass fantasy throughout the Arab countries. Torrid video clips and lascivious postures are out of favour in a world where religious rigorism is gaining ground. Exposed by the Muslim Brotherhood, this current reflects an other option in a society progressively turning to radical Islam. In response, fundamentalist groups held talk-shows featuring former movie stars, now veiled, who advocate proper morals. Will the fundamentalists get the better of these singers, just as they muzzled cinema and the most prominent Egyptian actresses?

Author-Director : Amine Bouziane
Delegate Producer : Stuff Productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : LCP - La Chaîne parlementaire Assemblée nationale
Broadcasting Co-producer : RTS (Radio Télévision Suisse)


Distributor : Stuff Productions