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Les Anges gardiens de la République Série-Collection : Thema : Les Gardes du corps

Valérie Lumbroso
1998 - 52 min - France

For the first time, a television team was authorised to film the work of the body guards of the Minister of the Interior, Jean-Pierre Chevènement.
Over several weeks, Valérie Lumbroso followed these officers in their professional activities and also in their daily life. By the juxtaposition of the remarks of these men who work in the shadows – preparing and effecting the movements of political figures – and the comments of politicians, the documentary highlights the singular questions that this profession raises, along with the tacit bonds that protectors and protected share.

Author-Director : Valérie Lumbroso
Delegate Producer : Guilgamesh
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Guilgamesh