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Les Ailes de la nuit
Evgen Bavcar photographe aveugle
Pierre Kalbfuss
1995 - 40 min - Betacam SP - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - Suisse

Evgen Bavcar is a blind photographer. On his way from his apartment in Paris to Rainer Maria Rilke's grave in Switzerland, Bavcar quizzes a painter on the subject of colour, speaks with Nicolas Bouvier, tells us about his special relationship with time and ponders over destiny.
Shot in colour and black and white, this film of his daily life and his dreams reveals a man whom photography has helped to defy his "metamorphosis".

Author-Director : Pierre Kalbfuss
Delegate Producer : Kalpaka production
Broadcasting Co-producer : TSR (Télévision suisse romande)


Distributor : Kalpaka production