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Léon, paysan de Savoie
Anne Lapied, Érik Lapied
2001 - 32 min - Super 16 mm - Couleur - France

This documentary is the portrait of a family of farmers in Savoie. It is one of those films which fix the gestures and know-how transmitted from generation to generation, perpetuated fortunately to our day.
From the pruning of the apple trees to the making of the cider, from the arrival of the still to the shearing of the sheep, we follow the Michel-Boëx family with a simple thread : the chronology of the seasons and the jobs to be done. The press is a monument, the last of its type in action in the village. As for the mobile still, everyone has a premonition about its withdrawal. Nothing is reconstituted, everything is still done, in the year 2001, with a passion for a job well done.
Behind these actions, the film shows a mutual aid and solidarity between generations that are still very much alive. It raises questions about the future of the profession of mountain farmer.


Distributor : Ibex productions
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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