Fitzcarraldo Syndrome
Laura Morales
2017 - 28 min - Vidéo Full HD - Couleur - Suisse

In a fantasized Amazonian jungle, an old man tells us a story with birds. The tale, taken up by the director, leads us to the depths of a wild jungle. It will eventually take us to a place where the worlds meets and will question ourself about our

Author-Director : Laura Morales
Author : Laura Morales
Photography : Laura Morales
Sound : Yoanne Rey
Editing : Arthur Uberti
Delegate Producer : Octuor Films
Co-producer : Head (Haute École d'art et de design)


Distributor : Octuor Films
Disponible au Club du doc


2017 - Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, Winterthur (Suisse) : Sélection