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Le Prince des sloughis
Province de Safi. Royaume du Maroc Série-Collection : Les Seigneurs des animaux

Jérôme-Cécil Auffret
1996 - 26 min - Vidéo - Couleur - France

For 5,000 years the saluki has inspired the tales of the men of the Middle East. The saluki is a greyhound but by its grace and nobility it is considered to be a unique animal. To sleep, the saluki has its place beside its master, he is even fed before it is, but it is in hunting that its master is proud of its qualities.
Hossein is a simple hunter and "Jnah", his saluki, is his only weapon. Hossein is a simple shepherd, he is sure his saluki is exceptional.
The caïd, lord and master of the place has been looking for a year for a male worthy of his princess Zia the saluki, who is now old enough to have a litter. He has therefore organised a great hunt so as to choose the best saluki in the province.
Hossein is sure Jnah will be chosen because he knows his dog is the most noble of all.


Distributor : Boréales